Those who have seen me recently might observe that I currently look rather different to this photo. It was taken in April 2021 which was the last time I had a haircut and it is also the most recent (and only) professional photo which has been taken of me since high school (although some have suggested that it looks like a school photo anyway).
You have reached the personal website of Tim Gummer. I am an Associate of Institute of Actuaries of Australia (AIAA). I am currently taking an 18 month leave of absence from my job as an Actuarial Analyst at Finity Consulting in order to spend more time on my actuarial studies (to become a fellow), with my family and on personal projects.
I have built this website as a fun project. I would like to use it to chronicle some of my side projects. I enjoy these projects for their own sake and the main benefit I get out of them is learning and the satisfaction of building something cool. I hope that this website will provide me with further motivation to work on these projects (as well as being an enjoyable project in and of itself).
My interests
The content of this site will mix and match combinations of some of my particular interests/skills listed below:
Methods: Statistics, Data Science (Collection, Visualisation, Modelling), Mathematics
Applications: Sport (Australian Rules Football, Cricket)
Blog: articles about my personal projects and things that interest me.
Goals: keeping track of my goals (prospective) and achievements (retrospective) as well as failure/road blocks along the way.
CV: my public curriculum vitae for keeping track of my educational and professional experiences.
This section is inspired by the section of the same name in Hadley Whickham’s R For Data Science (I am unaware of where the concept originally came from).